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check out the new sticker and scoop one up in the Meow Wold gift shop in Santa Fe or message me and I can send you one!

Parker- Pecha Kucha- Taos
In this brief talk I explain how I turned a homemade outhouse into a homemade pirate radio booth.

"Push Pull Turn" accepted for The Paseo 2018 festival!
Parkers latest interactive piece, "Push Pull Turn" has been accepted to The Paseo 2018 interactive art festival. PUSH PULL TURN is a...

Uroboros at Meow Wolf
Micayla A. Duran and dance collective Uroboros just wrapped up a successful summer of weekly performances for Meow Wolf's "Summer in the...

Uroboros: preparing for premiere performance
Uroboros (u-RO-bo-ros) is a new, collaborative, and experimental dance collective in Santa Fe, NM. Their work is thoughtfully created,...

Uroboros at the CCA
Micayla will be performing with her new dance collective, Uroboros, Saturday March 4th at the CCA.

PJ found a little corner in Meow Wolf
I am so excited to be a part of this unprecedented experiment here in Santa Fe. If you have not been to Meow Wolf's House of Eternal...

David Richards Gallery
Parker is showing a series of new works at the David Richards gallery now through November 19.

The Paseo and the Radio Confessional
The Paseo, interactive art festival in Taos, NM, was a huge success! The Radio Confessional had a constant stream of people eagar to...

The Radio Confessional has been accepted!
The Radio Confessional has been accepted into the Paseo interactive arts festival in Taos, NM. The Radio Confessional is an interactive...
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